Thursday, February 20, 2014


I absolutely loved this film. It had the perfect balance of emotion and sport, they didn't overdo the sport side or show too much of his life. I would watch that again, any day.
I completely believe he helped this country, he integrated a major baseball league. From Jackie Robinson we can learn patience and hard work. He played for the sport and his people, he minded his temper and took a lot of hate from many people. He is a major influence and hero to the sport and the world.
I can learn a lot from Jackie Robinson. Courage- doing what you know is the right thing even when it is hard; I often times find myself looking for a selfish motive in doing a task. Persistence- working toward a goal and continuing to move forward even though you face obstetrical and barriers; never give up, always work hard, and keep your head up.
"A life is not important except in the impact it has on other lives." -Jackie Robinson
He is saying impact lives, make your life mean something. If everyone is only concerned for themselves then the world will go nowhere. We must do selfless acts and things that will better another life.

A Real Cinderella Man

Cinderella stories: When the underdog comes out on top
I believe the title of this movie was "Cinderella Man" because the boxer originally was losing and playing with injuries. He was also old, after being fired for a dull fight he had time to heal completely and learned how to use his left hand. He came back stronger than ever when the opportunity presented itself with very little preparation. Then, went on to win and beat the young amazingly gifted boxer that had killed someone in the ring. He, the underdog, came out on top.
I enjoyed this movie immensely, I loved James Braddock. Today many people are struggling trying to keep and provide for their family. Also, people trying to prove themselves whether it is to themselves, strangers, friends, family , or the world.
In the scene where Braddock's son stole food in a desperate attempt to keep their family together is very touching. I could not imagine the act of stealing something, I have to big of a fear of getting caught. This young boy was so scared of being apart from his family he was willing to do anything, I see the reasoning in this decision.
I prefer a good villain, I would not have been so into the movie as I was if he had not been rude and cocky. I understand why his family was upset but every hero needs a villain.
I think that it was admirable of Braddock to beg for money from people that he once used to work under. It is hard putting your pride aside and asking for help when you are in desperate need of it. It said a lot about his character and exposed a different side of him.


Although this movie was very slow in my opinion, I enjoyed it. The gory scenes made me a tad bit uneasy but it was alright. I thought that the man that coughed blood and nearly died was a very interesting character, he and his prostitute (whoever she was). 
What makes an event legendary is when something happens that people do not expect to happen, happens- or when justice is served. ie: a poor kid in the hood studies everyday to hold a 4.0, goes to college, then becomes a billionaire. 
What makes a person legendary is the content of the character of that individual. Humble heart, determined, and driven.
The events were legendary in the story Glory but I do not see a legendary person. The brothers were conning the people of the town and getting rich off of their misfortunes.
There are no parts of the "Wild West" that appeal to me.


I did particularly care for the movie Glory. At time the movie made me upset- they created a all black regiment but they weren't allowed to fight. The soldiers dedicated and risked their lives to be  their and they did not get an ounce of respect. I liked that their regiment leader fought for them to get new shoes and the military uniforms, also that he refused to take pay if they refused. I would not recommend this movie to anyone, simply because I did not enjoy it.
I believe that people are willing to die for the country because they are willing to spear their lives for others. It takes a lot of courage to put yourself into battle and represent their country. I do think that the men of the 54th Massachusetts are hero's, they went through a lot to even fight in the war! They broke barriers for the African-American race as a whole- they integrated war. Shaw is also a hero, he lead the 54th Massachusetts regiment, not only into battle but also trained and represented them.
The significance of this magnificent story is the 54th Massachusetts integrated war, they were the first all black regiment.