Thursday, February 20, 2014


I absolutely loved this film. It had the perfect balance of emotion and sport, they didn't overdo the sport side or show too much of his life. I would watch that again, any day.
I completely believe he helped this country, he integrated a major baseball league. From Jackie Robinson we can learn patience and hard work. He played for the sport and his people, he minded his temper and took a lot of hate from many people. He is a major influence and hero to the sport and the world.
I can learn a lot from Jackie Robinson. Courage- doing what you know is the right thing even when it is hard; I often times find myself looking for a selfish motive in doing a task. Persistence- working toward a goal and continuing to move forward even though you face obstetrical and barriers; never give up, always work hard, and keep your head up.
"A life is not important except in the impact it has on other lives." -Jackie Robinson
He is saying impact lives, make your life mean something. If everyone is only concerned for themselves then the world will go nowhere. We must do selfless acts and things that will better another life.


  1. I also thought that the he was a person with great patience and a man of his word. Javkie kept his promise of not to fight back that he made to ricky when he started. I was shocked to see how the white people where cursing him and caling him names and the small boy did the same thing and it passed on from each other the hatred, But any how all of that was brought to an end by Jackie with his amazing life.

  2. I agree that you said courage was one word that you can learn from. Doing what you know is the right thing can be hard, so it takes a lot of courage to do what is right.

  3. I really liked this movie as well. I agree that not too much of his life nor too much of his sports life was shown. I agree with having persistence. Jackie Robinson strived towards his goal. He faced so many obstacles throughout his life, especially when he first played on an major league team. I totally agree with your comments!

  4. I agree with you completely when you said "He played for the sport and his people, he minded his temper and took a lot of hate from many people. He is a major influence and hero to the sport and the world." Sometimes its hard holding your anger back after a while, Great post Shelby
