Thursday, March 20, 2014

The Pianist

This movie had me very emotional towards the end, the period where they focused on him alone and starving, struggling and fighting to stay alive- then a soldier came along and helped him out. There were many heroes in the holocaust, many that will be forever unnamed and will never be able to be thanked. I would definitely recommend this movie to others, in fact I suggested this movie to my mother right after we finished it in class.
I imagine that Hosenfeld saw life and passion in Szpilman as Szpilman played the piano. Szpilman was truly transformed when he played the piano, it was as if he wasnt hungry in pain anymore, as if he had just been reunited with the love of his life.
I imagine that Szpilman was desperate, without Hosenfeld he might have died from starvation. In my opinion I think that Hosenfeld was kindhearted, he was presented with the opportunity to kill Szpilman, he easily could have pulled out his gun and shot him but he didn't- he remained calm and asked him questions.


In my opinion the beginning of this movie was rather slow. Not saying they should have glorified events but I felt as if not every detail included was necessary. One of my lasting impressions of this movie was the entire group eating a horse, also the man that attempted to take over the group.
"Our revenge is to live." -Tuvia
I believe this means that they are well aware that the Germans want them to die, and want to kill off every Jew, but in spite of what the Germans want they will live and prosper. Opposed to killing Germans for killing Jews they will live and love, they will eventually live to reproduce and find happiness again.
Humanity and Revenge will always coexist. As long as their are spiteful, ignorant, and selfish people in this world their will always be revenge. I think the real question is if we can eliminate revenge from humanity.

The Godfather

I enjoyed this movie immensely. I found the original godfather's accent to be humorous and entertaining, really the only thing in the entire movie you can find relief in. I find movies involving the mob extremely interesting, the movie wasn't at all to gory in my opinion either.
Vito is the moral because he set the mob up for the Corleone family. He set up all the rules, the foundation, and gained a lot of respect from the community. When Vito passed in the tomato garden I felt as if a giant had passed- I couldn't imagine any of his kids filling his shoes with him gone.
Usually mob movies just focus on the crime side of things, the mob v. the police. I enjoyed that this had much more to do with family v family and showing us life within one of the mob families. It might just be a classic, I feel as if it could be timeless, I imagine myself watching it many more times in the future.

The Legacy

I enjoyed this movie, the hard work and dedication the players and coach put forward was compelling and inspirational. I will never forget the countless suicides they were forced to skate after a horrible loss. I learned that success will come with determination and skill. Work at something until it becomes second nature, and even then, continue perfecting it. I would recommend this movie to others, it was a good movie on dedication and making your dreams become true.
The "Miracle On Ice" is the unexpected win against the well trained, bonded, soviet union team. The Soviet Union was a obedient, highly skilled team, whereas the United States team was new and on different pages.
The united states beat the soviets 4-3, after scrimmaging against them and loosing horribly to them with no points.
The main event I can event remotely recall is 911, this tragic day effected all of America. America will never be the same, we live in fear, waiting for disparity.