Thursday, March 20, 2014

The Pianist

This movie had me very emotional towards the end, the period where they focused on him alone and starving, struggling and fighting to stay alive- then a soldier came along and helped him out. There were many heroes in the holocaust, many that will be forever unnamed and will never be able to be thanked. I would definitely recommend this movie to others, in fact I suggested this movie to my mother right after we finished it in class.
I imagine that Hosenfeld saw life and passion in Szpilman as Szpilman played the piano. Szpilman was truly transformed when he played the piano, it was as if he wasnt hungry in pain anymore, as if he had just been reunited with the love of his life.
I imagine that Szpilman was desperate, without Hosenfeld he might have died from starvation. In my opinion I think that Hosenfeld was kindhearted, he was presented with the opportunity to kill Szpilman, he easily could have pulled out his gun and shot him but he didn't- he remained calm and asked him questions.

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