Thursday, March 20, 2014

The Legacy

I enjoyed this movie, the hard work and dedication the players and coach put forward was compelling and inspirational. I will never forget the countless suicides they were forced to skate after a horrible loss. I learned that success will come with determination and skill. Work at something until it becomes second nature, and even then, continue perfecting it. I would recommend this movie to others, it was a good movie on dedication and making your dreams become true.
The "Miracle On Ice" is the unexpected win against the well trained, bonded, soviet union team. The Soviet Union was a obedient, highly skilled team, whereas the United States team was new and on different pages.
The united states beat the soviets 4-3, after scrimmaging against them and loosing horribly to them with no points.
The main event I can event remotely recall is 911, this tragic day effected all of America. America will never be the same, we live in fear, waiting for disparity.

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