Thursday, March 20, 2014

The Godfather

I enjoyed this movie immensely. I found the original godfather's accent to be humorous and entertaining, really the only thing in the entire movie you can find relief in. I find movies involving the mob extremely interesting, the movie wasn't at all to gory in my opinion either.
Vito is the moral because he set the mob up for the Corleone family. He set up all the rules, the foundation, and gained a lot of respect from the community. When Vito passed in the tomato garden I felt as if a giant had passed- I couldn't imagine any of his kids filling his shoes with him gone.
Usually mob movies just focus on the crime side of things, the mob v. the police. I enjoyed that this had much more to do with family v family and showing us life within one of the mob families. It might just be a classic, I feel as if it could be timeless, I imagine myself watching it many more times in the future.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you Shelby, it is going to be hard for Micheal to fill the shoes of such a legendary man.
    - Bre LaMar
